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The basis of social welfare is to respect and help life in all its forms

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It would be very useful to analyze the great value of life and its Transcendence.

To create life, it was necessary to create first planet Earth. For its existence, it was necessary the Solar System, which required the prior existence of the Stars, which ones did not exist before the Big Bang, happened 13,459,000,000 years ago. We can conclude that for our existence, it was neccessary first create the Universe. Then our creation started 13,459,000,000 years ago

The purpose of our life is to grow a lot as a noble person, and finish our creation, and become rich with noble actions, which will allow us to transcend positively. As an example we can mention the Indian leader Gandhi who managed to expel the British from India. Gandhi was rich in generosity, in love for life, and forever transcended by their noble deeds.
Those who are rich in money, power and pleasure, but no noble deeds, will be lost forever.

Please know the 4 minutes video: Meaning of the Universe and Life 

To learn more, please download gift from Chinese President Xi Jinping, the books in English and Spanish language 

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